The Thelwall Community Website has gone live!
Our new website went live 12.13pm on the 28th October 2020!
Thanks to our National Lottery funding we’re leaving an electronic ‘Legacy in the Landscape'. Designed around three themes: Past, Present and Future, this website offers information on our local history and heritage, what’s available in Thelwall today for anyone planning a ‘grand day out’, or coming for work or to live here. There’s a News page and a chance to post forthcoming events.
The website is designed, developed and hosted by Kerrie Johns of Unicorn Web Solutions, and the pictures of present day Thelwall have been supplied by Mike Moss of Mike Moss Photography. Many of you will have already met Mike through the 2020s Thelwall Photo Project now nearing completion. You will find the first of two walks round Thelwall on the website, planned and researched by Geraldine Foden and Sheila Williams of the Thelwall History Group with artwork by the gifted Helen Weston. The 'Past' section on the website preserves the wonderful history of our village in digital form. The team have worked so hard in both researching and providing all this wonderful content as well as providing some fabulous images of our past. With special thanks to Mike and Maggie Taylor, Tony and Jen Warburton, Peter and Sue Lees, Helen Speed, Jenny Jones, the Branch Committee of Thelwall and Grappenhall and the Royal British Legion for content and contributions to the website.
If you have a business in Thelwall and would like to be listed then this is completely free. To be listed, please email Kerrie Johns at Unicorn -